My third chemo session

Two days ago, I had my third chemo session. Remember, I have them weekly, in smaller doses, as I have scalp cooling for my hair. This session marked the end of cycle one! Cyril is realising that he is not wanted and must leave. This brings me closer to the operation, which I am also happy about. When I walked into the unit on Monday, I didn’t feel the usual fears. Even the doctor noticed how calm I was! This is because I now  know what to expect. If it were last week, I probably would have freaked about being told my iron levels are on the low side, meaning that I might need a blood transfusion next week. However, this news didn’t panic me. I’d like to mention that this is a common thing that can happen when having chemo. I will be eating foods rich in iron this week to see if that helps, and if it doesn’t then, it’s not an issue. In the words of my dad, ‘after a transfusion, you feel on top of the world. You’ll have more energy than all of us!’
My brother joined us for this session.  We played a great game, similar to articulate, where you had to describe the celebrities on the stick you picked up. We had lots of laughs and some interesting guesses were made! Thank you @JennieDallal. I also had my regular foot massage from my amazing Auntie, who comes equipped with her oils and creams. The nurses have spotted her and told her how wonderful they think she is. The foot massage takes my mind off the cold cap, generally calms me down, and as you can see from the photos, actually sent me to sleep yesterday!
My wonderful nurse also came to me. I simply adore her. She is there to talk to whenever you need (phone and email). I feel I can ask her anything. For example, I was worried about getting gel nails, as I had heard there may be risks associated with the drying light, but she put my mind at ease. She has been there from day one, (from the night I was admitted with fluid on my tummy), and she will be by my side throughout the whole journey. It’s remarkable how quickly you feel a bond growing with the team of people around you. I have already shared my pixie collection with my team of doctors. They (the pixies, not doctors) are my good luck charms. I carried one with me when I got my results and when I met the professor handling my chemo. I want each person working to make me better to have a pixie. My nurse really liked the one that I chose for her!
I know it’s now only Wednesday but I already feel ready for next Monday. I am getting used to the process so it does not feel so scary. I want to get cycle 2 going, so I can continue to show Cyril who is boss. The start of round two will mean a slightly longer session, but it means more drugs will go in my system and remind Cyril to go away!

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14 thoughts on “My third chemo session

  1. Henri says:

    Laura – we are all inspired by your courage and humour. Thinking of you all the time. Love Susie Henri Laura & Stella xx


    • findingcyril says:

      Thank you for your message Henri. I am blessed to have so many people fighting Cyril with me. Cyril is very quickly learning who is boss! Please continue to share to help Finding Cyril raise awareness of Ovarian Cancer. What has happened to me is very rare but can happen, so women of all ages must be aware of the symptoms.



  2. Kelly Moses says:

    Krazy kiwi uncle here.
    i get all the news from dad and pass it to the rellies around the world.
    we all have admired your courage anf especially your attitude. Please keep it up.
    kicking cyril is the goal and we have no doubt of the outcome.
    love you lots spunky lady.
    if ever i come back to London, your aunt must give me a foot massage too.


    • findingcyril says:

      Thank you for your message uncle Kordy. I am staying positive. Cyril is very quickly learning who is the boss! Please continue to share to help Finding Cyril raise awareness of Ovarian Cancer amongst women of all ages. We look forward to seeing you soon Uncle Kordy. I know you will back soon! Roz will be ready with the creams and oils for your foot massage when you arrive.


    • findingcyril says:

      Thank you for your message Adrienne. Cyril is very quickly learning that he cannot mess with me! Please continue to share to help Finding Cyril raise awareness of Ovarian Cancer amongst women of all ages. What has happened to me is rare but can happen, so women of all ages must be aware.



    • findingcyril says:

      Thank you for your message Dan Tan. Cyril is very quickly learning that he cannot mess with me! Please continue to share to help Finding Cyril raise awareness of Ovarian Cancer amongst women of all ages. What has happened to me is rare but can happen, so women of all ages must be aware.


  3. Leonie says:

    Hey Laura, been getting updates from Davina about how amazing you are and this post totally proves it. Sounds like you are giving Cyril a good old fight! Loads of love xxx


    • findingcyril says:

      Thank you so much for your message Leonie. I am showing Cyril who is boss! Please continue to share the website to help us raise awareness of ovarian cancer for women of all ages and BRCA gene mutations.



    • findingcyril says:

      Thank you so much for your kind message Rachel. The more treatment I have, the more Cyril realises that he is not wanted. I must continue to think of the gold dot to ensure my mindset remains positive and strong. Please continue to share the website to help us raise awareness of ovarian cancer for women of all ages and BRCA gene mutations.



  4. Annie Millis says:

    Laura you are truly one brave young lady. You will kick Cyril to The other side of the universe! With you all the way!!
    Love Annie


    • findingcyril says:

      Thank you so much for your message Annie . The more treatment I have, the more Cyril realises that he is not wanted. He messed with the wrong girl! Please continue to share the website to help us raise awareness of ovarian cancer for women of all ages and BRCA gene mutations.



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